Lightness of Being Balancing the Vata Stage of Life (50+)

Lightness of Being Balancing the Vata Stage of Life (50+)

Rs. 2,550.00

Price is Excluding Taxes

Webinar Overview

 The wind will call us home.

Just as certain seasons are associated with doshic attributes so too are the stages of our life governed by these same qualities.

This knowledge helps us year into year, as we come to know that the Summer brings the heat and Pitta rides high in this season, we can then prepare ourselves with practices to keep ourselves cool and in balance.

This same knowledge can be applied for the time periods of our life - and at around 50 years in age we cross over into the Vata period of our life journey.

Much like the elements that combine into Vata - air and space - this is the season in our life where we begin to feel the pull of the sky as we prepare for our final chapter.

Join Vasant Lad, MASc, BAMS, Founder and Director of the Ayurvedic Institute, as he explores the psychophysiology of the human body in the Vata stage of life. Alongside this we will also discuss common imbalances and practical remedies that can aid one through this time of life.

An important topic to explore at this age is death and dying, as a being made of a mind, a body, and a spirit. Vasant Lad will offer advice on how one may approach this time with dignity and grace.

This webinar is ideal for those exploring this period of their life, and for those supporting others on their journey - whether this is in a personal or professional capacity.


Join Vasant Lad, MASc, BAMS, Founder and Director of the Ayurvedic Institute, as he explores:

  •  the psychophysiology of the human body in the Vata stage of life (beyond 50 years of age)
  • common imbalances and practical remedies that can aid one through this time of life
  • death and dying - as a being made of a a mind, a body, and a spirit
  • how one may approach aging with dignity and grace