Spiritual Awakening through Yoga

Spiritual Awakening through Yoga

Rs. 2,550.00

Price is Excluding Taxes

Recorded Webinar Replay

The essence of Yoga lies in seeking union with the divine. How do we move beyond our physical practice? In this webinar, you will discover:

  • the vast spiritual background and context to Yoga
  • how to use the 8 limbs of yoga to fully embody the teachings of the Yoga Sutras
  • numerous powerful techniques - including pranayama, mudra, kriya, and meditation - to launch your yoga practice forward

Webinar Details:

  • Webinar Replays: Unlimited access until Dec. 31, 2022
  • Length: Each session is approximately 3 hours with 15 min break
  • 3 credit hours
  • Language: English
  • Instructor: Vasant Lad